Why do we need the Arts? 5 Reasons… and counting…

Digital art piece of the London Underground escalator by Cate Field

London Underground - Cate Field

The arts are an essential component of human culture and society, providing a diverse range of benefits that enrich our lives in countless ways.

We all know this!

From fostering personal development to promoting social cohesion, the arts have the power to shape and transform our world. Through music, literature, theatre, visual arts, and more, individuals and communities have the opportunity to express themselves, explore their creativity, and celebrate their unique cultural identities.

In this increasingly fast-paced and technological world, the arts provide a much-needed space for reflection, critique, and connection. In short, the arts are not a luxury, but a fundamental aspect of our humanity and our collective progress.

I’ve put together my top 5 reasons (as of today… they might be different tomorrow!)


Expression of Culture: The arts provide a platform for individuals and communities to express their culture and traditions. Through art, people can explore and celebrate their identity, values, and beliefs. The arts help to preserve and promote cultural heritage, allowing future generations to understand and appreciate their heritage.


Personal Development and wellbeing: Engaging in the arts can be a powerful tool for personal development. Whether it is through creating, performing, or experiencing art, individuals can develop their creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills. Art also encourages self-expression, self-awareness, and emotional intelligence. Engaging in the arts can boost our self-esteem and raise our energy levels. Think about how you feel after a good old sing!


Social Cohesion: Art has the ability to bring people together and create social connections. It can provide a common ground for individuals from different backgrounds to engage with one another, share experiences, and develop empathy and understanding. The arts can also promote social justice and activism by giving a voice to marginalised communities.


Economic Value: The arts industry contributes to the economy through job creation, tourism, and the sale of art and cultural products. Arts organisations and artists also play a vital role in community development, revitalising neighbourhoods, and stimulating local economies.


Reflection and Critique: Art can provide a space for reflection and critique of social and political issues. Through art, individuals can raise awareness, challenge stereotypes, and stimulate dialogue about important issues such as inequality, social justice, and human rights. Art can also act as a mirror for society, reflecting back its values, beliefs, and behaviours.

And I could go on and on…

The arts have power and energy and they are vital if we are to develop and nurture a positive society.

Cate Field

Life Coach empowering creative people to achieve their dreams through building self-confidence and focus.


Art as a Catalyst for Community Engagement: The Power of Public Art and Local Artists in Promoting Social Awareness and Positive Change


When all else fails….. (tidying up, going for a walk and cup of tea)