Ash Wednesday Wondering | The Beginning of Lent

Yesterday was Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday… the day before the start of Lent, and so we enter the time in the Christian calendar when Christians reflect, repent and make preparations for Easter. Traditionally it is a time of prayer, fasting and penitence.

Whether you are religious or not, it is important to have these times throughout the year. A time away from hustle and bustle, away from over-eating, partying and a time to stop.

Lent lasts for 40 days + 6 Sundays. 40 days is significant to Christians as it symbolises the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert prior to his death. The Bible's New Testament, says that Jesus spent this time in prayer and fasting and there, Satan tempted him to turn away from God and worship him instead, but Jesus refused. Christians test their own self-discipline by giving something up for Lent.

The nature of Lent has changed and evolved over the centuries. (The word comes from the Anglo-Saxon ‘lencten’ meaning the lengthening of days, i.e the coming of Spring. Christianity often took over the ancient rituals.)

Many people, whether Christian or not, like to ‘give up’ something at this time; chocolate, alcohol, cake etc., and some like to ‘do something’, such as write in a daily journal, meditate each morning, pray, go for a walk etc..

Restricting our pleasures can have a positive effect on our wellbeing and fasting has been part of our heritage for thousands of years. Festivals followed by fasting, then more festivals. This was the pattern of life. Unfortunately, we’ve become a bit more like “Yay! It’s another party!” and we’re partying all the time!

So what will you do this Lent?

Some suggestions are below:

Set up a routine of quiet time over the next six weeks - if not every day, then at least once a week.

Read something inspirational and spiritual every day

Create a daily/weekly journal

A few years ago, throughout Lent, I took a photo of the same tree every day. It was a beautiful oak that I drove past on my way to work. I collected all the photos and put them into a book. Beside each photo I wrote a quote, prayer or inspirational poem.

Perhaps you would like to do something similar?

With love


Cate Field

Life Coach empowering creative people to achieve their dreams through building self-confidence and focus.

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